Dr. Paulette Steeves
Ph.D. (Cree-Métis)
Indigenous Archeologist
Dr. Paulette Steeves. Ph.D. – (Cree-Métis) is an Indigenous archaeologist with a focus on the Pleistocene history of the Western Hemisphere. In her research, Steeves argues that Indigenous peoples were present in the Western Hemisphere as early as 100,000 years ago, and possibly much earlier. She has created a database of hundreds of archaeology sites in both North and South America that date from 250,000 to 12,000 years before present, which challenges the Clovis First dogma of a post 12,000 year before present initial migrations to the Americas.
She received her BA Honours Cum Laude in 2000 at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville. In 2008 Dr. Steeves was awarded the Clifford D. Clark fellowship to attend graduate studies at Binghamton University in New York State and was awarded her Masters in Anthropology 2010, and Doctorate in Anthropology in 2015. During her doctoralstudies, she worked with the Denver Museum of Nature and Science to carry out studies in the Great Plains on mammoth sites which contained evidence of human technology on the mammoth bone, thus showing that humans were present in Nebraska over 18,000 years ago. Dr. Steeves has taught Anthropology courses with a focus on Native American and First Nations histories and studies, and decolonization of academia and knowledge production at Binghamton University, Selkirk College Fort Peck Community College, the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, and Mount Allison University, she is currently an Associate professor in Sociology and Anthropology.
Professional Service
Society for American Archaeology (SAA) Editorial Board 2021-2026. Editorial Board Member.
Robert S. Peabody Institute of Archaeology, Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts, Advisory Committee member 2022-2025.
Robert S. Peabody Institute of Archaeology. Phillips Academy Andover Massachusetts Peabody Collections Oversight Committee
Lillooet District Museum and Heritage Society, Board Member 2022-present.
Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig SKG Board Member Incoming Sept 2023.
Canadian Archaeology Association (CAA), Chair- Indigenous Concerns Committee 2021-2022.
Steeves, P. F. (2021). The Indigenous Paleolithic of the Western Hemisphere. U of Nebraska Press. Lincoln, NB.
Book Chapters:
Steeves, P. (2023). Listening to the Land: Honoring Ancestors. In Kahente Horn-Miller & Margaret Kress (Eds), Teaching and Learning through Place, People and Practices: A Global Intersection of Righting Relations in Indigenous Land-Based Education. Canadian Scholars’/Women’s Press.
Steeves, Paulette. (2022). We Have Always Been Here; Reclaiming and Rewriting Indigenous Histories of Turtle Island. In, Being Legendary: Kent Monkman at the Royal Ontario Museum. Art Institute Canada, Massey College.
Steeves, P (2021). Singing to Ancestors Respecting and Re-telling Stories Woven Through Ancient AncestralLands. In A. McGrath & Russell, (Eds). Companion to Indigenous Global History. Routledge. In Press
Steeves, Paulette. (2021). Listening to the Land: Honoring Ancestors. In Kahente Horn-Miller & Margaret Kress (Eds), Teaching and Learning through Place, People and Practices: A Global Intersection of Righting Relations in Indigenous Land-Based Education. Canadian Scholars’/Women’s Press. In Press.
Steeves, P. (2020). Our Earliest Ancestors: Human and Non-Human Primates of North America. InMartin Porr & Jacqueline Matthews (Eds.), Interrogating Human Origins. Decolonization and the Deep Past.New York, NY: Routledge.
Steeves, P. (2020). Re-Claiming and Re-Writing the Past Through Indigenous Voices and Worldviews. Journal of American Archaeology.
Steeves, P. (2020). Indigenous Methodologies in Archaeology. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology 2nd edition. (Ed.), Claire Smith. Springer New York. On-line 2019.
Steeves, P. (2020). The La Sena Site (18,440 ± 90 14 C yr BP): A Pre-Clovis site in South West Nebraska. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology 2 nd edition. (Ed.), Claire Smith. Springer New York. Online 2019.
Steeves, P. (2020). Deloria, Jr., Vine. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology 2nd edition. (Ed.), Claire Smith. Springer New York. (Revised entry upcoming in 2 nd edition). On-line 2019.
Steeves, P. (2020). Mesa Verde Geography and Culture. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology 2nd edition. (Ed.), Claire Smith. Springer New York. (Revised entry upcoming in 2 nd edition). On-line 2019.
Steeves, P. (2020). Clovis and Folsom, Indigenous occupation prior to. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology 2 nd edition. (Ed.), Claire Smith. Springer New York. (Revised entry upcoming in 2nd edition). On-line 2019.
Steeves, Paulette. (2018). “Indigeneity.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Anthropology. Ed. John Jackson. New York: Oxford University Press. Oxford Online.
Steeves, P. (2017). Unpacking Neoliberal Archaeological Control of Ancient Indigenous Heritage. Archaeologies, 13(1), 48-65.
Steeves, P. (2015). Decolonizing the Past and Present of the Western Hemisphere (The Americas). Archaeologies, 11(1), 42-69.
Steeves, P. (2015). Academia, Archaeology, CRM, and Tribal Historic Preservation. Archaeologies, 11(1), 121-141.
Steeves, P. (2014). Deloria, Jr., Vine. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, (pp. 2091-2093). Springer New York.
Steeves, P. (2014). Mesa Verde Geography and Culture. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, (pp. 4776-4780). Springer New York.
Steeves, P. (2014). Clovis and Folsom, indigenous occupation prior to. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology (pp. 1508-1513). Springer New York.
Book Reviews:
Upcoming Publications
Book Chapters In Press
Steeves, P. (2024). Round Dancing and Counting Coup in Academic Circles with Vine Deloria, Jr. In David, Wilkins (Ed) A Tribute to Vine Deloria,. The University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, NB.
Steeves, Paulette. (2024). Alterity is a Violent Western Construct: In Indigenous Worldviews we are all Related. In Alterity and Human Evolution: Deep-Time and Multispecies Perspectives on Difference and Variation. (Eds,.) Oscar Moro Abadía (Memorial University of Newfoundland) Martin Porr (University of Western Australia). Berghahn Publishers.
Steeves, Paulette. (2024). Pyroepistomology: Reclaiming, Reviving, and Weaving Indigenous Knowledge and Rhetorical Sovereignty Through Indigenous Archaeology. In The End of Epistemology in Archaeology? Indigenous Knowledges, Ontologies and the Crisis of Traditional Philosophies of Knowledge in Archaeology. Eds, Oscar Moro Abadía, Kellie Pollard, Ora Marek-Martinez, Craig Cipolla, Sara L. Gonzalez.
Steeves, Paulette. (2023). Pyroepistomology: Re-Claiming and Reciprocity. In Indigenous Voices: Critical Reflections on Traditional Ecological Knowledge. S. Hatfield ed. Oregon State University Press.
Upcoming Books
Steeves, P (2025). Reclaiming Deep Human Histories of the Western Hemisphere: Archaeologists Who Braved Prejudice to Reveal the Evidence Roman Littlefield Publishers.
Steeves, P. (2025). Pyroepistomology: Responsibilities to the Next Seven Generations. In, Indigenous Environmental Heritage: Social Action and Solidarity for Indigenous Environmental Heritage Rights Editors Paulette Steeves, Ranjan Data and Paul Edward Montgomery.
Upcoming Articles
Steeves P. (2024). Pyroepistomology Reclaiming Indigenous History and Environmental Practices. In Steeves, P, Ranjan Data & Paul E Montgomery Special Edition, Archaeologies.
Steeves, P. (2024). Reclaiming and Rewriting Indigenous Histories Weaving Paths to Healing and Reconciliation. In Indigeneity History and Historical Analysis A special issue of Social Science History.
Steeves, P. (2024). Healing Held in Reclaiming and Rewriting Indigenous Histories of the Western Hemisphere (the Americas). Special edition The American Indian Culture and Research Journal. Invited editor, Paulette Steeves.